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Our demonstrated experience

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Reef Credit Method Development

The spatial analysis expertise developed in the Grosvenor subsidence impact assessment has subsequently been significantly expanded upon through our Reef Credit Method Development project. Our analytical developments now allow us to remove seasonal variation in vegetation to enable accurate spatial quantification of variations in vegetation cover.  

Although developed to monitor and inform grazing practice, the method has application to all crops, and is currently being used to inform environmental impacts from new irrigated cropping developments associated with the Rookwood Weir water release, and to design management strategies and interventions that offset impacts. 

Soil Carbon Baselining (Sampling and Data Management)

Soil carbon farming requires accurate measurement of dissolved organic carbon to determine a baseline to model gains in carbon sequestration. Verterra offers significant soil sampling capacity with four rigs and over 6 trained operators and since 2021 has been providing soil carbon baseline sampling services for Agriprove engaging with landholders across Queensland and northern New South Wales. Soil data has been captured and managed in accordance with regulator and client requirements.

Fitzroy River Water Quality Improvement Project

Verterra’s largest project to date, providing a novel solution to water quality improvement that combines grazing improvement with ecosystem service market opportunities such as carbon farming and reef credits administered through 3rd parties.

Major Integrated Project “Wet Tropics People – Setting the Course for the Reef.”

The project focussed specifically on improving water quality from cane and banana farms in the Tully and Johnstone River Catchments. Under the program, landholders were engaged to work together with natural resource managers and scientists to actively contribute to the design of the project. Verterra contributed technical input as part of the workshop phase.

Major Integrated Project “Landholders Driving Change”

This project actively engaged graziers and landowners in the Bowen, Bogie, and Broken River Catchments to contribute to design land condition, pasture cover and productivity solutions to stem erosion and subsequent sediment run-off into local waterways. Phase 1 (Design) involved collaborative workshops which fed into development of the project. Verterra contributed as part of the workshops phase and subsequently delivered major gully rehabilitation projects near Collinsville.

Mt Wickham Gully Rehabilitation

Innovative Design and operational delivery over two phases of alluvial gully rehabilitation at th Mt Wickham property, 38km WNW of Collinsville aimed at erosion control, and water quality improvements from significant reduction of fine sediment loss to regional waterways that directly impact the Great Barrier Reef Lagoon with ecosystem stresses, including to inshore reef and seagrass beds.

Lower Burdekin Groundwater Mitigation Strategy

Verterra delivered a well informed and practical guideline that will provide irrigators guidance on how new irrigation developments can achieve net zero impact on the groundwater table and support sustainable growth in the Lower Burdekin Area.

Yandina Creek Wetlands

Engaged by Unitywater to monitor vegetation and water quality, remove tidal gates, undertake tidal monitoring, UAV footage and BioCondition monitoring for the Yandina Creek Wetlands for a three-year period.

Grosvenor Subsidence Impact Assessment

Verterra has specific expertise and prior experience in detailed spatial and quantitative impact assessment and analysis of the effect of subsidence.  This project, carried out for Anglo American’s Grosvenor Coal Mine, assessed the impact of subsidence on native vegetation.  Verterra carried out baseline assessment by detailed statistical analysis of spatial imagery and subsequent time-series monitoring of vegetation health to inform management decisions regarding larger-scale interventions. We will bring this experience in vegetation assessment and spatial data analysis to the present project.   

Beneficial Use of Coal Seam Gas Water for Irrigated Forest Plantations

Verterra designed, undertook feasibility studies, assisted with regulatory approvals, developed a stakeholder engagement plan and project managed delivery of 1,250ha of irrigated native eucalypt forest at Fairview and Springwater near Injune on behalf of Santos. The project included design, implementation, analysis, and interpretation of a large-scale water quality monitoring program.

Lama Lama Land Trust Forest Management Evaluation

Yintjingga Aboriginal Corporation (Lama Lama Land Trust) completed the first stage of a timber harvesting contract with Cape York Timbers in 2016.  Verterra undertook a desktop review followed by a field inspection and evaluation of harvesting undertaken in 2016/17. Operations were assessed against the evaluation framework to ensure regulatory; environmental and forest sustainability objectives had been met.

Harvest Resource Assessment

CYT engaged Verterra to prepare a Harvest Plan for Running Creek, a property owned by the Lama Lama Land Trust. The resource assessment was completed on Running Creek area (Coupe 6). Verterra delivered a Code compliant Harvest Plan with a highly visual, easily interpretable map that would assist CYT staff with the management of their property.

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